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In Kapstadt kämpfen kriminelle Banden um Territorian für den Drogenhandel. While the gangs are increasing in strength, the police break up a scheinbar from the camp of an Ordnung. Actually, the Mordrate in Kapstadt is one of the heights of the World. Selbst civil Wohnviertel bleiben von Banddenkriminalität nicht more verschont. The police are very active, organize themselves citizens and all take care of themselves in Straßenmilizen. In the Elendsvierteln in the Westkap in South Africa you can pay a higher price of 20 Euro per day. For this bet, Tess acts as a dealer in his son’s dominant Drogenhandel. When the all-inerziehende mumbles that there are four children, others will find themselves in a territory and power. If Verkauf von Rauschmitteln jedoch selten auf the job of the dealer: Auftragsmord steht an der Tagesordnung – and were Ihn eremptt, ist stollz auf seinen bruut Ruf. If there is any more gang exerting his control, more money will fall on his waist. An extremely superior police force and for many unreasonable high-tech security concepts, citizens and citizens with justice written in it: a use of the Kriminalität Einhalt zu gebieten, is inzwischen über 50 Citizen milizen gebildet. Lynn belongs to one of the best-behaved groups. Do you have a chance, in your Viertel and in your Stadt zurückzuerobern? Von Rio in Kapstadt recreates a more brutal band with power and dryness. Polizisten und Kriminelle look in die reihe schonungslos ihren Alltag.